161,012 Used Cars Sold in September by the Top 200 Dealers

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September 2024 Top 200 Dealers

Full Report
+7.91% 172,757 New cars stocked
-5.36% 161,012 Cars Sold
-4.88% £ 3.31 B Revenue
Market Intelligence
Classified Websites

Classified Websites

Data Feeds

Our data helps power some of the largest automotive classified websites in the UK. Grow your stock instantly with thousands of dealers’ stock feeds.

Data Cleansing

Remove bad data and images to improve visitor experience.

Classified Website CMS

Run your own classified website.

AI Description Writer

Get unique descriptions for all your vehicles, instantly.

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Investors, M&A

Investors, M&A

Dealer Performance

Make decisions with key performance benchmarking and data.


Find potential dealerships to merge with or acquire, with the profile you are looking for.

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Bespoke Development

Anything Else

Bespoke Development

Thinking of a new product within the automotive industry? We can help take it from an idea to fully completed project in record time.

Data API

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Market Intelligence

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AI Description Writer

Get unique descriptions for all your vehicles, instantly.

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Stocking Companies

Stocking Companies

Credit Worthiness Reports

Find out true dealer performance compared to the market and reduce risk.

Potential Customer Search

Find new potential customers based on your customer profile.

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Model Performance

Find out the sales performance of your or your competitors’ models in the used car market, to help you make better decisions.

Franchise Intelligence

Get data on franchise dealer performances, to benchmark with your own franchises.

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About Us

About Us

Founded 9 Years Ago

CarCondor was founded in 2015 by William and Zivorad. One of us worked at a dealer that went bankrupt so together, started to make software that would help dealers benchmark themselves against the market. So, they could identify and solve problems before it was too late.

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No. Our information is generated by AI algorithms with inputs from thousands of sources. When comparing to dealer data we are extremely accurate.

We use a mix of publicly available information, authorised private dealer data, authenticated access to Google Analytics as well as obtaining anonymized tracking data for hundreds of millions of web visits and government data.

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Sales made by dealers of cars only. Fleet, business and private sales are not included in our data.

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